This is the tool Microsoft should have included with Windows. Instead of installing 15-20 different softwares, you can just install All In One Computer Tools which:
Completely removes sensitive data from your drive so they cannot be recovered or undeleted by any recovery software(compliant with the U.S. Department of Defense's 5220.22 M standard).
Encrypt files with TwoFish, 256 bits, 16 rounds algorithm - one of the strongest encryption methods.
Control what loaded on Startup The Startup Manager will let view,delete, edit and add startup entries.
The Startup Manager can help you to monitor, speedup and control programs that start when you login, like spywares or adwares which windows starts when you login.
Protects your privacy by cleaning "Tracks" saved by windows/Internet Explorer (most recently used lists, document history, temporary internet files,etc), saving storage space and improving performance of your computer.
Recover Web Password Restores passwords saved by Internet Explorer/Outlook Express,(passwords to protected site, Outlook Express,auto complete strings,forms...).
Virtual Desktops: Virtual Desktop Manager will create 4 new desktops for you and let you to switch between them quickly and easily. Auto shutdown Automatically Shutdown, Reboot,or Log off the computer at schedule time you specify.
Registry Enhancement:Change Windows default settings, without you need to edit the registry. Setting group of window you can Hide/Block/Topmost with Hotkeys pressing. It can also be very useful when you want to hide several windows very quickly, like when your boss is coming. Or preventing your children from accessing certain program like kazaa and sites contains words you don't like. Lets you manipulate the active window appearance and behavior by Hotkeys pressing.
Like: Disable Active Window. Disable Active window X (close) button. Topmost the active window. Increase/Decrease active window transparency. And Much Much More. |