Personal Data Vault (PDV) acts as a safe-deposit box for your
confidential documents. A vault encrypts and password-protects
your data, providing a single, secure place to store your
sensitive information. The
PDV shreds deleted files to Department of Defense standards to
ensure that they are destroyed beyond recovery. A variety of
strength levels allow you to delete files using quick wipes or
to perform wipes with the most advanced cryptographic algorithms
The Personal Data Vault protects
your data from loss by performing manual or automatic backups
and supports a wide array of media (CD ROMs, DVDs, removable
disks and more); data in backup copies is encrypted at the same
level of security as the original file. The Passwords folder
keeps an organized list of Web sites, login info and passwords
in one encrypted location.
An automation section guarantees that you never leave your vault
open, and another option assures that you only have one copy of
a confidential document by securely deleting a file from your
computer once it is dragged into your vault. The Personal Data
Vault even enables you to edit files from within the vault for
maximum convenience.
Finally, a digital lockbox for your sensitive information. |